Wednesday, August 26, 2009

First day of school and more

The kids' first day back to school was last Thursday, August 20 and I am just now getting around to posting about it...sorry.
Darrian has started 7th grade :) he is so excited about the school year, he is in band playing trombone again, has a top locker (of which he cant reach the hanging hooks), and is enjoying all of his classes so far.
Taryn entered 5th grade this year, loves her teacher, and the fact that her teacher is the 5th grade science teacher... for those of you who don't know, T's favorite subject is science. She has also finally decided that YES she is going to do competitive cheer again this year... this is a decision she struggled with all summer.
My baby, Aiden, started kindergarten this year... I can't believe that my baby is in big school now! He loves his teacher and has some friends from pre-k in class with him this year. He loves to ride the bus and came home very excited the first day telling me "mommy, guess what... we have rest time, we don't have to sleep!" This was a big thing with him because he rarely takes naps lol. He insisted even on the first day that he was riding the "big boy bus to school" so I don't have any pictures of him actually at school the first day.

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