Thursday, April 30, 2009


Migraines totally suck! I am down at least 5 or 6 days a month with migraines anymore. Today was one of those days. I am so tired of them. They come on with little warning and there really isn't even a pattern to them. Used to be I could sleep them off, but anymore its gotten to where I just have to deal with it until it runs its course because nothing I take seems to help anymore. I don't have insurance, so going to the doctor is out. I just wish sometimes that my head was detachable so I don't have to deal with these damn things anymore. Any ideas out there that may help me? I am willing to try just about anything at this point in the game. I can not continue to be knocked on my rear with these migraines. I am tired of hurting so much I can't see strait, and then when I am hurting I take it out on Whisky and the kids. I know that isn't fair, but its like I cant stop it. So really if anyone has a suggestion please help me out!

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